UX and Service Design
4 UX Designers
User Testing - UX Research - Prototyping - UI Design

How might we Re-collect already bought Pink Ribbons after the campaign?
Cancerfonden wanted help with a project related to their Pink Ribbon campaign. The aim of this Case Study was to find a smart and innovative solution to re-collect Pink Ribbons bought during the Pink Ribbon Campaign to reduce waste.
Designing both an App and a Physical product that helps the user in their everyday life. The solution for this project was based only on insights gathered by the users through interviews and testing.

I designed a roadmap to visualize the four sprints required for the project, ensuring that all team members were aware of the necessary steps. This helped to keep everyone informed about what needed to be done.
The project was initiated with a research plan aimed at gaining a comprehensive understanding of the problem at hand, this established a solid foundation for us and how we formulated the interview and survey questions.
We divided it into two categories.
The perspective of the User
⤷ We had to understand the emotional connection users have with the Pink Ribbon.
The perspective of the Business
⤷ How can a solution financially benefit the companies as well.

We mapped out a User Journey to get a more complete picture of how people are behaving and moving during the Before, Under and After.
The user is aware that the campaign is starting during the fall. The user sees ads and is informed that they can purchase the Pink
The user purchase the Pink Ribbon and is also wearing it.
The user is confused about what to do with the Pink Ribbon once the campaign has ended. The user moves on with their life and the Pink Ribbon is gone.

Our first prototype was based on the insights that the easiest and smoothest way for people to return their Pink Ribbons is by simply placing a return box at Cancerfonden's Partners; e.g. ICA.
This way they will be able to return it at the same place where they originally bought it. By doing this we succeeded in creating a process that is part of the users daily routines.
However, we learned during the user testing that this solution did not hold. The test users said it's confusing to return the Pink Ribbon where they had just bought it. They expressed that this felt contradictory.
When we suggested an alternative solution of instead placing the box out for returns at a later date in October/By the end of the campaign, the test users expressed that it was better; however they might still lose their Pink Ribbon before that timeframe based on their experiences from previous years.

We planned to add a new box beneath the existing return box at the point of sale for Pink Ribbon products. Our intention was to collaborate with &Repeat and include a QR-code feature on the new box.
&Repeat already has a system in place with three easy steps designed to encourage individuals to recycle their one-time-use packages at designated return stations. All a user had to do was scan a QR-code attached to the station, deposit the package, and receive rewards in return.